Why Horses?

Horses have proven to be very effective at facilitating change through learning/therapy (see Research pages). Here are some reasons why:

  • Touch – Horses can provide comforting physical contact where professionals can’t.

  • Strength – they can carry clients and help them feel ‘held’. 

  • Size – the size and speed of horses demands attention and strongly supports clients to be mindful and present during interactions. 

  • Community – Horses live in herds and model how to live in community with others for the good of all. They also share our need for social interaction.

  • Support – People who aren’t comfortable with traditional counselling may be more likely to engage in a session with a horse involved.

  • Sensitivity – Horses are very sensitive to our emotions and know what people are feeling better than we do. 

  • Communication – Horses provide honest, instant feedback to clients making it easier for them to see what needs to change.

  • Beauty – horses draw attention and evoke feelings.

  • Awareness – with heightened sensing capabilities they are masters in awareness.

  • Always Connected to their Environment – horses live in constant interaction with everything around them.

  • Congruent – internal experience matches with their outer expression of self.

  • Present – horses live in the here and now, rather than past or future.

  • Embodied – they live in their body with their senses and feelings, but they have little or no ego to interfere.

  • Self-regulation – horses tend to naturally attempt to meet their needs or ‘interests’ and engage fully in the cycle of experience.

  • Comfortable with all energetic contact– from quiet & gentle to excitable, to strong/aggressive - horses model flexibility in contact.

  • Heart – the electromagnetic field of the horse’s heart interacts with and influences the human’s heart and its field. People can feel peaceful and relaxed just by being with a horse.

  • Love – Horses are capable of love and show their love in various ways which help people to heal and grow.

  • Risk The unpredictable nature of horses is not only exhilarating, but can also help people to learn how to respond well in a crisis situation.

  • Followers Horses aresearching for a responsible leader to hand over to so they can relax, but you need to prove you are worthy first. 

  • Leadership – Horses know how to lead and be lead from multiple positions (in front, from behind, from the side). 

  • Survival The horse’s zest for life inspires hope and determination to succeed.

  • Creativity – Horses get bored from doing the same thing repetitively and thrive on  creative interactions.

  • No ego Horses won’t judge you. 

  • Learning Horses are able to be trained and learn from previous interactions. 

  • Heart Connection – Horses have big hearts with big emotions and are capable of forming heart-connections with people.

Look into the eyes of a horse.
Do not see an animal.
See a living being.
See a friend.
Feel a soul.
— a Little book of heavenly horses